Dark - Ep.1X1 "Secrets" (MovieMan Reaction)

Описание к видео Dark - Ep.1X1 "Secrets" (MovieMan Reaction)

NEW SERIES TIME!! You guys & gals asked for it, so here we are: finally starting my journey through Netflix's "Dark".

(I'll be watching it subbed per viewer request/personal preference)

I can already tell that I'm going to REALLY enjoy this one, though I'm also going to have to take a LOT of notes lol. Funny enough, for a small, sleepy German town, there's a LOT of people living in it, and even more secrets hiding under it's surface....

Any and all feedback is welcome regarding this series, which will follow my usual format. Thank you all as always for your love and support :3

(and yes, I will start working on Mr. Robot as well in the near-ish future)


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