Homeless in Seattle...

Описание к видео Homeless in Seattle...

the state of having no home.
"families are facing homelessness"

This video is based on a true story. A story of a family of 8, that has been battling homelessness. We have been the “Success Family” , we helped raise donations by sharing a portion of our story scripted by another. It’s sad that you can only be heard when you are represented by an organization, but the moment you want to tell you own story no one will listen .

My family has been struggling with homeless for awhile now. We have been the “Success Story” to gain donations for 2 homeless shelters in the past 2 years. What people don’t know is that Most families don’t truly get the help the need and will end up homeless again because of this. When you are experiencing homelessness you will do anything or except any home just to get your family of of the streets but realistically it’s not even somewhere you can even afford on your own. My family is very large so we have been time and time again denied of permanent housing programs and assistance because of this. We work hard and strive for more each and everyday no matter where we lived. We helped out in the shelter we went above and beyond what was asked in hopes someone would see our worth or give us a chance. Unfortunately we never got that and instead helped raise donations with our story but a false ended! Because truthfully we are still struggling RIGHT now! It’s SOO HARD to even be heard or get any help when we are telling our own story but when we are representing a shelter we are able to raise thousands in no time! We want to share OUR TRUTH! And help raise awareness and funds for PERMANENT HOUSING and stability! Please let’s all be aware of the problems with our system and false promises of these shelters and other temporary housing programs. Let’s all come together and really try to solve the homelessness epidemic, not just for a video or fundraising for a shelter, not just for 2 months to a year but FOREVER!!! WAKE UP!!


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