Download Festival Review 2024: Why I Should Have Chosen Circular Camping

Описание к видео Download Festival Review 2024: Why I Should Have Chosen Circular Camping

So. I've been a busy bee, chasing gearbox repairs and writing festival reviews for, so can't get a regular episode of the podcast up this week.

Instead, I'm giving you this: my full video review of Download, which I attended with the help of Circular Camping: Dean and co provide a bloody great service with their reclaimed camping gear, but more on that in the video!

Anyway- This is the biggest, most challenging, and longest project I've ever undertaken- sorry its so late. While the back of the work got broken a couple of weeks ago, a need to depart to the field and focus on other projects forced me to leave this on the back burner for a little longer than I would have liked.

Some crashes, bitty work, mental anguish and slow progess later though, and here it is for you!

I really hope you enjoy it, and it captures something of the spirit of the festival, or at least my festival. 100 different people could go to the same site and have 100 completely different experiences after all!

Lots of love



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