Examples of academic toolkits & the Brigstow Institute

Описание к видео Examples of academic toolkits & the Brigstow Institute

The Brigstow Institute at the University of Bristol empowers academics, creatives, professionals, charities, and community members to transform their ideas into tangible outcomes and meaningful impacts, to make a significant difference in the world.

Brigstow fund and support 100’s of projects and collaborations, many of which involved academic toolkits. Not only are Brigstow experts in supporting coproduction and funding of toolkits but they have also created a whole suite of their own toolkits.

We’ll hear from Gail Lambourne, Brigstow Institute Manager about their work and the different toolkits they have and work with, how these toolkits were created and developed, their advice for creating impactful toolkits and some potential next steps for your toolkits, plus much more.

We’ll also hear from Robin Halpenny, from the University of Bristol on a range of academic toolkits from across Arts & Social Sciences that the university is supporting to showcase some innovative ideas and inspire the next generation of toolkits.


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