Are there any ways to increase the flexibility of frenulum? - Dr. Surindher D S A

Описание к видео Are there any ways to increase the flexibility of frenulum? - Dr. Surindher D S A

I’m also often asked whether they don’t want to undergo circumcision or to prevent the surgery. What are the things to be done to prevent the surgery or the retraction of the penis. What happens when the frenulum is tight or you are not able to retract it? The simple exercise is use a moisturizing lotion or when you are showering, jus try to pull the skin back. Pull the skin back on the head of the penis or the shaft of the penis. As you keep doing it daily with some lubrication, with a local anesthetic cream, what happens is the skin is stretching. The skin is too tight and you are not able to retract it, then of course surgery is the only option. But if there is only partial retraction, these exercises may stretch the skin and you may end up and you may not end up doing the surgery at all. So it has to be gradual, if you try to do too much or too hard, then you may end up with some tears. If you end up with some tears, then you may end up with some dramatic bleeding also. So it has to be properly done and gently done.So depending on the situations, consult a doctor, consult a doctor a surgeon to find out what condition is and if the situation is such that a simple exercise or a simple stretching is not going to help then of course you will have to undergo surgery, otherwise you have to do stretching so that it slowly stretches and over a few weeks you will see that you will be able to do a complete retraction of the prepuce.


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