You're Welcome | Rap One-Line Multilanguage

Описание к видео You're Welcome | Rap One-Line Multilanguage

I started making this last November lmao. But I just started to add the S+T like two weeks ago, I felt too lazy to do it before.

I included all the versions available, and the S+T of the versions I could find and/or ask for to someone I knew spoke the language.

Thanks so much to Let My Heart Free for the Greek S+T, Cartoons Serbia for Serbian, and Czech/Slovak Disney Movies with Kion! for Czech.

The rest of S+T I found in lyrics videos here. I translated both Spanish versions and Catalan myself, and I did the English to Spanish translation too.

I hope you like this video. Who are your favourite rappers? I think Anthony Kavanagh is the best one! And the Hebrew and Hindi lyrics make me laugh so much, Hebrew Maui needs constant validation every 2 words, and Hindi Maui will take no bullshit at all xD.


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