Red Sofa Conversations Ep 3 - Lara Rathod speaks to Jo Munday on Creativity

Описание к видео Red Sofa Conversations Ep 3 - Lara Rathod speaks to Jo Munday on Creativity

In Episode 3 of Lara Rathod's interview series filmed on her red sofa, Lara and Jo discuss creativity and why it is essential to include creativity in our lives. Inspired by Liz Gilbert, creativity and being creative doesn't require external validation but actually is an expression of who you are. Creativity doesnt just mean the traditional writing, painting, music but can take any form (e.g. how you dress, how you arrange food). Creativity doesn't require a huge commitment but can be done in the cracks of time. Lara references one of her favourite Julia Cameron quotes from The Artists Way and shares how doing morning pages has helped her create content for talks and videos. Lara and Jo agree that creativity is letting your soul speak and helps them appreciating beauty in their lives and tapping into joy. Jo talks about singing with Rock Choir and Lara speaks about taking acting, singing and musical theatre classes with Stage and the City (whose classes give working adults the opportunity to access the performing arts after work).

Lara's work can be found here:
Instagram: @laralondonspeaks
Facebook Page - Lara Rathod Life Explorer: @lararathodlifeexplorer
YouTube: Lara Rathod
LinkedIn: Lara Rathod
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