Xi Jinping hails China's Olympians for winning glory for country 习近平8月20日在北京人民大会堂接见巴黎奥运会中国体育代表团全体成员

Описание к видео Xi Jinping hails China's Olympians for winning glory for country 习近平8月20日在北京人民大会堂接见巴黎奥运会中国体育代表团全体成员

On Aug. 20, 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed Chinese Olympians for their performance and sportsmanship at the Paris Olympics, saying they have won glory for the country and the people.Xi noted that the Chinese delegation's excellent performance has fully demonstrated the country's strength in the new era. The fundamental reason why China has joined the ranks of the world's leading sports nations and become a major Olympic player is the country's growing national strength, he said. He praised the athletes for showing the world the profound heritage of traditional Chinese culture, displaying an open, inclusive, vibrant and enterprising image of modern China, and demonstrating the ambition, courage and determination of the Chinese people. 习近平指出,中国体育代表团的优异成绩,将中华体育精神和奥林匹克精神发扬光大,让中华民族精神和时代精神交相辉映,生动诠释了新时代中国精神。赛场上,大家牢记党和人民重托,“国家荣誉永远超过个人”、“我的这块金牌献给伟大的祖国”等誓言掷地有声,展现了祖国至上、为国争光的赤子情怀,展现了顽强拼搏、自强不息的必胜信念,展现了团结协作、并肩作战的宝贵品质,展现了中国青年一代自信乐观、热情友好的阳光气质。你们让全世界看到了中华优秀传统文化的深厚积淀,看到了中国开放包容、昂扬进取的时代风貌,看到了中国人民的志气、锐气和底气。祖国和人民为你们骄傲,为你们点赞。#paris2024


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