Minecraft Is Updating THE ENTIRE OVERWORLD... (basically)

Описание к видео Minecraft Is Updating THE ENTIRE OVERWORLD... (basically)

Minecraft Preview is here with a surprising biome overhaul update! In this video we dive into Minecraft and everything that has been added or changed in the newest snapshot update!

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📖 chapters
0:00 surprise new biome overhaul
0:25 minecraft preview
0:37 trial mode
2:10 jungle and variants
4:51 mangrove swamp
6:15 the swamp
7:00 savanna
7:40 old growth taigas
8:40 taiga
9:06 desert and badlands
9:50 most ocean biomes
10:12 mushroom island
10:30 meadow
11:37 flower forest
12:30 sunflower plains
12:38 the plains biome
13:30 overall world changes
14:30 future hints

Minecraft Guide    • Minecraft Guide (Minecraft 1.21 Survi...  
Minecraft Tutorials    • Minecraft Tutorials  
Minecraft 1.22    • Minecraft 1.22  

if you read this comment your favorite biome.


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