
Описание к видео 东正教事奉圣礼大连祷

(Scroll down for the English description)




Litany is an ancient form of prayers in the Christian Church. A series of petitions are spoken to God alternately by the clergy and the congregation. Most services of the Orthodox Church begin with the Great Litany. It is a prayer of the Church offered to God for the whole world and all mankind. The Great Litany begins with petitions for peace, and therefore is also called the Litany of Peace.

This video is the Great Litany of the Divine Liturgy on Christmas 2015 at Saint Apostles Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Hong Kong. It is chanted entirely in Chinese.

Video editing and subtitles: orthodoxchina.org

Future reading: “The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom” (Chinese Text) https://orthodoxchina.org/worship/div...

#东正教 #基督教 #崇拜


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