Intro to Drawing from Concealment | Episode #1

Описание к видео Intro to Drawing from Concealment | Episode #1

Intro to drawing from Concealment with Concealed Carry Instructor Mickey Schuch, president of Carry Trainer. Schuch discusses why a quick draw is important. He then demonstrates the proper draw stroke from 3 o'clock and appendix carry including: how to handle cover garments, getting your master grip and pressing out for a shot.

Training the proper draw stroke should be as fast and smooth as possible.

Schuch draws from concealment wearing everyday cover garments such as button-down shirt(3:30) and t-shirt (4:46). This is a live fire exercise with a Glock 19, 9mm pistol.

It’s a myth to think simply having a gun makes you safe. You have to be able to deploy it for it to have any effect. It could be useless stuck in your pants or briefcase. Aside from awareness of our surroundings we will always be at the disadvantage to the criminal assailant. He picks the time and place to strike. The attacker is ready while we are behind the curve and reacting.

Properly programmed responses that are executed with haste are the key to survival and prevailing over a felonious adversary. Practice training in dry-fire and live fire before you decide how you will carry and then practice often to ingrain a rapid and smooth draw stroke into your subconscious.

-Mickey Schuch

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