Cricket's Dream

Описание к видео Cricket's Dream

Sometimes, Cricket dreams that everything is different. The clouds aren't ever white, the rain is always confetti, the flowers can talk, her house is as big as a tree, and Moth is always there. Moth and Cricket usually get a morning cup of dew together, while they hold hands. They stroll together under the magenta sky, chatting about whatever flits through their minds. Eventually, they arrive at "Gas Lamp Bar & Grill", where they order food and drinks. Cricket asks for the delectable aphid cakes, and Moth orders her favorite dish, the steaming sap stew. Even though everything is technically wrong, Cricket is content, until...
The real world slams into Cricket, who lies wide awake in bed. After sitting up, she gets a cup of morning dew without Moth. Alone, she walks to "Acorn Tree" for a depressing minimum wage job. Customers hand her a meager amount of Acorns for the low quality products sold at Acorn Tree, while she wishes her dream was reality. But, when the end of Cricket's day arrives, and "Gas Lamp Bar & Grill" comes into view, there is Moth. They don't hold hands, and the clouds are always bright white, but Cricket is content once more.


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