10 min Beta Binaural Beat Session (15 Hz)

Описание к видео 10 min Beta Binaural Beat Session (15 Hz)

15 Hz Beta Waves for higher alertness for difficult tasks.

Full 20 min: https://iamares.bandcamp.com/track/20...

Beta Waves:

Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused. It makes connections quickly, easily, and you're primed to do work that requires your full attention. In the Beta state, neurons fire abundantly, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind.

Benefits of Beta Waves:

•Ability to think quickly
•Highest levels of focus
•Goal oriented
•Increase in I.Q
•Become more social
•More energy

CAUTION: Listening to Beta Waves for longer periods can result in headaches as the brain is too overwhelmed with new input.

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