Ten Theno Coptic Hymn لحن تين ثينو

Описание к видео Ten Theno Coptic Hymn لحن تين ثينو

Arise O children of the light, let us praise the Lord of hosts.

That He may grant us the salvation of our souls.

Whenever we stand before You in the flesh.

Cast away from our minds the slumber of sleep.

Grant us sobriety O Lord, that we may know how to stand before You at times of prayer.

And ascribe unto You the befitting glorification, and win the forgiveness of our many sins. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Behold bless the Lord all you servants of the Lord. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

You who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

By night lift up your hands O you saints and bless the Lord. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

The Lord bless you from Zion, who created heaven and earth. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Let my cry come before You O Lord, give me understanding according to Your word. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Let my supplication come before You, deliver me according to Your word. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

My lips shall overflow with praise, when You have taught me Your statutes. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

My tongue shall speak of Your words for all Your commandments are righteous. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Let Your hand help me for I have chosen Your precepts. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

I have longed for Your salvation O Lord, and Your Law is my delight. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Let my soul live and it shall praise You, and let Your judgments help me. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

I have gone astray like a lost sheep, seek Your servant for I do not forget Your commandments. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Now and forever and unto the age of all ages Amen. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto all the ages Amen. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Glory be to You O good One the Lover of Mankind, glory be to Your Mother the Virgin and all Your saints. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Glory be to You O only-begotten One, O holy Trinity have mercy upon us. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

Let God arise and let all His enemies be scattered and let all that hate His holy name flee from before His face. Glory be to You O Lover of Mankind.

As for Your people let them be blessed, a thousand thousand fold and ten thousand ten thousand fold, doing Your will.

O Lord open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise.


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