Deepest Regions of the Backrooms

Описание к видео Deepest Regions of the Backrooms

The Backrooms stretch far beyond any physical limits we can imagine. Our units of measurement are simply inadequate to quantify their size.

For the vast majority they consist of nothing more than endless halls and rooms. Monotonous buzzing lights, faded wallpaper and cheap industrial carpet. Arranged in a manner that imperfectly mimic human structures..

However there is far more to The Backrooms than this. Within what seems to be their limitless expanse exist unique regions. Areas that defy logic or purpose. To call them constructions would be to suggest they were once constructed.

Liminal Spatial Constructs has collected a library of footage from The Backrooms. Discovered on old VHS cassettes, inside unused folders on obsolete computers and in the middle of 8mm films dug from the back of dusty archives. Who is behind each camera is unknown at this time and of little importance.

Footage is categorised according to the media on which it was originally discovered. The codes on each title frame correspond to these media:

bvc - Betamax Video Cassette
vvc - VHS Video Cassette
dvf - Digital Video File
emf - Exotic Media File
fr - Film Reel

-r indicates the original footage was reversed in play direction
-non_variant indicates the location appears in identical form in more than one piece of footage

It should be noted that in all the archive footage held by the foundation, there is no indication of any entities or living beings in the footage. There are active phenomena that defy categorisation, however these are believed to be emergent properties of the architecture itself rather than evidence of biological processes.

Indeed there is little evidence that sheds any light on the recorders of the footage themselves..

One theory held by the Foundation is that the Backrooms don't actually exist. Since the only evidence for them is in recorded media, there is no physical evidence or eye witness to attest to their existence. This theory suggests that the videos themselves are mere artifacts, extraneous information produced as a leftover from the entropic processes of the universe.

Another theory pushes in the opposite direction, suggesting that the Backrooms are the true nature of reality, existing in a higher dimension. Our reality is an emergent result of the geometry of the Backrooms, in the same way threads can be woven around a supporting structure.

There are many theories as the Foundation has members however, and neither of these two are given much serious consideration given their entirely theoretical nature.

Four of the clips in this collection come via our exchange program with the Musée Entropique.

For correspondence with the Museum please address mail to:

Musée Entropique
1729 Rue d'Auseil


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