Fanimecon Vlog - Family convention Vlog Cosplay 2019

Описание к видео Fanimecon Vlog - Family convention Vlog Cosplay 2019

Hi everyone, Rosie here with a very late convention Vlog of Fanime 2019! This fanimecon was really difficult for us because my dad was actually hospitalized as we were going to the con, so we left the con to go see him for a while so my mind was mainly on that. That’s why this is mostly J’s footage. Also Luna was teething, plus I didn’t finish cosplays in time (what else is new, lol)… so it was just a lot!! Hopefully this is at least somewhat entertaining haha. Thanks for checking out my video!!

Yu Gi oh costumes: Somerset Sews ( @somersetsews )
Yugi wig: me with help from Faye Lynn Cosplay ( @fayelynncosplay )
Yusei wig: Bekalou Cosplay ( @bekalou_cosplay )

My Social media: @RosieGaga
J’s social media: @lostsymbiote

Our store: @spicydoki

Family conVlog - Fanimecon 2019 - Cosplay convention Vlog


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