Mind Rubric | Carefulness | Dr Shrikant Talari

Описание к видео Mind Rubric | Carefulness | Dr Shrikant Talari


In this video Dr. Shrikant explains the meaning of the rubric careful. To be careful is to give serious attention to what you are doing and in the pursuit of being careful they tend to be anxious and feel that something will go wrong.
2 Mark Remedies in this rubric are Iodum and Nux Vomica.
In Iodum there is a lot of detail to attention and a lot of creativity as he belongs to the 5th row of the periodic table. Ailments from disappointment is a feeling in halogens. Dr. Shrikant shares a case of Iodum. He also shares how Iodums are constantly busy and there is constant restlessness.
Next is Nux Vomica. He shares a short case showing the aspect of carefulness in Nux Vomica. How Nux Vomica patients are very careful with utmost detail and do everything meticulously.

Arsenic Album patients are careful so that they don't lose any money or face any loss. So we see they are very careful if any robber is around, if he lost his keys etc. They are very meticulous so that there is no loss.

Baryta Carb patients are careful to avoid embarrassments. Dr. Shrikat shares a few examples of the same.
He further shares the carefulness in Pulsatilla and Ranunculus Bulbosus.
The cross references are:
Cautiousness - In cautiousness the anxiety component is very high.
Fastidiousness - In Fastidiousness the carefulness is to maintain order


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