Preacher Creature Podcast--Episode 1--Dr. Brad Braxton

Описание к видео Preacher Creature Podcast--Episode 1--Dr. Brad Braxton

In the inaugural episode of the Preacher Creature Podcast, Jake and Ashley interview the Rev. Dr. Brad Braxton about his new book from Fortress Press, "*Open: Unorthodox Thoughts on God and Community.* Their rich dialogue explores topics from theopoetics and embracing faith pluralism to what’s required of progressive preachers in the face of challenges like toxic busyness, white supremacy, and global ecological devastation. Prepare to be inspired and challenged to — not only read Dr. Braxton’s book — but also to follow him on the journey toward unapologetic openness for the sake of creating more radically inclusive and loving communities.

Each month, the Preacher Creature Podcast will introduce you to a new book relevant to today’s preachers. Your hosts, Ashley Lewis and Dr. Jake Myers, will bring you insightful, compelling conversations with authors whose work can help energize and revitalize your preaching.

Follow us on social media @preachersstudioforrenewal and be sure to subscribe for more podcasts @columbiapreachercreature.


00:00 Podcast Intro
06:15 Book & Author Introduction
16:54 Interview Begins, Dr. Brad Braxton
18:51 Question 1 - Theopoetics
27:00 Question 2 - Pluralism
36:42 Question 3 - Preachers need REST
46:16 Question 4 - Fencing God in
52:12 Question 5 - Guerrilla Warfare for Good
58:38 Question 6 - Creaturely Proclamation
01:05:12 - Wrap-up

*Find the book*


*About the author:*

"Dr. Brad R. Braxton is President and Professor of Public Theology at Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a seasoned biblical scholar and homiletician (i.e., an expert in the arts of sermon creation, delivery, and evaluation). He has held professorships at Southern Methodist University, Vanderbilt University, and Wake Forest University, as well as lectureships at Georgetown University, Harvard Divinity School, and McCormick Theological Seminary. In addition to his work in biblical studies and homiletics, his scholarship and teaching are conversant with other disciplines, including African American studies, interreligious studies, womanist, feminist, and LGBTQ+ studies, and postcolonial studies."
Read more here:

*Your hosts*

Rev. Dr. Jacob D. Myers:
Jake serves as the Wade P. Huie, Jr. Associate Professor of Homiletics at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He is a graduate of Emory University (PhD) and Princeton Seminary (MDiv), as well as an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA). Jake has written numerous books and essays, including *Stand-Up Preaching: Homiletical Insights from Contemporary Comedians.

Jake provides online homiletical resources and sermon coaching at

Ashley M. Lewis, MDiv:
Ashley is a ministry professional living in Durham, NC, specializing in preaching and teaching beyond the human experience for the good of all Creation. She has worked in both non-profit and congregational ministry settings since 2018. She is an itinerant preacher, aspiring homiletician, and eco-justice educator. Ashley received the Fredrick Buechner Award for Excellence in Preaching from Columbia Seminary in 2022. She is currently pursuing eco-ordination with the Seminary of the Wild Earth and is active in leadership at


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