Tributo a Logan (Johnny Cash - Hurt)

Описание к видео Tributo a Logan (Johnny Cash - Hurt)

Tributo a Logan (Johnny Cash - Hurt)

Sentí melancolía al ver el final de Logan, uno de los X-Men más queridos por todos. Por esa razón quise hacer este video en memoria a el.

Los clips son pequeñas tomas de la saga de los X-Men en donde Hugh Jackman interpreto a Logan (a excepción de donde solo hizo cameos).
La canción de fondo (ya todos la conocen) se llama "Hurt" y es interpretada por Johnny Cash.

Este video fue realizado sin fines de lucro.
Todo el audio e imágenes son propiedad de sus respectivos autores.

I felt melancholy when I watched the Logan final, one of the X-Men most loved by everybody. For that reason I made this video in memory of him.

The clips are small footage of the X-Men saga where Hugh Jackman played Logan (except for where he only made cameos).
The background song (and everyone knows it) is called "Hurt" and is played by Johnny Cash.

This video was made non-profit.
All audio and images are property of their respective authors.


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