Netflix's Seaspiracy Blows the Fishing Industry Our of the Water! Must Watch! Here's Why!

Описание к видео Netflix's Seaspiracy Blows the Fishing Industry Our of the Water! Must Watch! Here's Why!

Seaspiracy is a documentary that feels more like a murder thriller... because it is that too. The shocking revelations in this Netflix Masterpiece by Kip Andersen, now at #9 on the streaming network, will give you chills: We are decimating our oceans and fishing is the main culprit! But, fishermen are also being exploited and kept as slaves on ships! The allegations include murder! Environmental, sustainability, and anti-plastic organizations take a huge hit to their reputations! You gotta watch. Let's talk about it with Amy Jean Davis of LAAnimalSave, Donny Moss of, Renee King-Sonnen of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary and Paige Parsons Roache of JaneUnChained. JNN's Jane Velez-Mitchell moderates.


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