Map a network drive to a Linux system

Описание к видео Map a network drive to a Linux system

To mount a network drive to a Linux client. First, create a mounting point by opening the terminal and enter the following command:

Sudo mkdir mntshare/network_drive

(Go to the file manager and click on File System to verify that the mounting network folder is created)

Install the CIFS-UTILS app on the terminal
sudo apt install cifs-utils

Now let's mount the network storage parameters where your network drive is in the server

sudo mount.cifs // mntshare/network_drive/ -o username=pedro,pass=Password

(verify that all documents are accessible from the file manager)

Finally, to auto-mount the network drive every time you reboot the system, you need to edit the fstab config file

sudo -s nano /etc/fstab

(When the editor opens, enter the parameter at the bottom and save the configuration)

// /mnt/share/network_drive cifs username=pedro,pass=Password 0 0


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