Boraras Merah and Neon Tetra Tank Mates

Описание к видео Boraras Merah and Neon Tetra Tank Mates

Boraras Merah (Phoenix Rasbora/ Mosquito Rasbora) and Neon Tetra living peacefully together. Boraras Merah is the cousin of the more famous Chili Rasbora. The tank is just 5 gallons, so it is quite overstocked. But these small Rasboras tend to have a small bioload (estimated 1/3 of a neon tetra?).

I find that Boraras Merah tend to have internal parasites problem (maybe they are wild caught). I tried putting them in a bath with Methylene Blue and Praziquantel (EIHO Prazi Gold). There were indeed some worms that were expelled.


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