6 vocal exercises for SOPRANO - Voice warm up for women

Описание к видео 6 vocal exercises for SOPRANO - Voice warm up for women

#soprano Go through the entire vocal register with these six vocal exercises. Perform this voice warm-up for women every day and/or before singing.

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00:04 - Resonance with the letter 'M'.
2:08 - Trumpet vibration.
3:30 - Amplitude of vowel molds with the syllable 'Ma'.
4:40 - Collocation with the syllable 'Vi'.
6:25 - Placement and soft palate with the syllable 'Lua'.
8:21 - Register extension with the syllable 'No'.

See also:

Advanced Vocal Warmup for Soprano
   • Vocal warm up for woman SOPRANO | Sin...  

Exercises to tune the voice (Scale C major natural):
   • Improve the pitch of your voice with ...  

Exercises to tune the voice (C natural minor scale)
   • Improve the pitch of your voice with ...  

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