Travelling to Ile De Re, France with stop overs in Rugby, Boulogne Sur Mer, Honfleur and Nozay

Описание к видео Travelling to Ile De Re, France with stop overs in Rugby, Boulogne Sur Mer, Honfleur and Nozay

We are enroute to Ile De Re, France via park ups in Rugby, Bolougne Sure Mer, Honfleur and Nozay.
This is the first big trip for our new pup, Lola the Miniature Pinscher, and it's also the first big trip with our MiRider e-bikes.
We are touring Ile De Re from coast to coast, parking our campervan at three different locations, and touring on our MiRiders.
Our first impressions of Ile De Re are very good.


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