100km Race (62 Miles) // London 2 Brighton Challenge

Описание к видео 100km Race (62 Miles) // London 2 Brighton Challenge

After completing the London Marathon I decided to take my running a step (or two) further and signed up to my first Ultra Marathon, a 100km race from London to Brighton. I trained a lot for it and here's my experience Documented on a TomTom Bandit

Strava Data for my run:   / strava  

Results (30th/600):

Some thoughts about paying people to kill animals because we think we need to eat them to be good at sport.

Stay clean people. Love life so don't take it.


Instagram/Twitter: @TimothyShieff
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tim-Li...
Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/65307...


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