What future is there for global biodiversity?

Описание к видео What future is there for global biodiversity?

What is happening to life on earth? What are the pressures affecting biological diversity globally, and what can be done to stop its decline?

A new short animated film by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency brings you to the year 2050 and shows you the future is not fixed: choices we as society make today will determine what the world will look like in decades time.

In 2010, at the 10th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, a vision for 2050 was formulated: to stop the decline of biodiversity and ensure its sustainable and equitable use. Based on state-of-the-art research this film paints a picture of how this vision could be achieved.

This animation is based on previous reports of PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, including ‘Roads from Rio+20’, ‘Rethinking Global Biodiversity Strategies’ and ‘How sectors can contribute to sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity’.


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