Different Types of Neck Lift - Part 1 | 8 West Clinic - Vancouver, BC

Описание к видео Different Types of Neck Lift - Part 1 | 8 West Clinic - Vancouver, BC

Dr. Buonassisi has many techniques for lifting the neck to treat lax skin or fullness under the chin... Checkout some examples in this video!

Find out if surgery with facial plastic surgeon Dr. Buonassisi is right for you in a pre-assessment call with our team. Request at the link below!

→ Book a consultation: https://www.8west.ca/contactus/
→ Learn more: https://www.8west.ca/neck-lift-surger...

8 West Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Clinic
300-1788 W Broadway, Vancouver V6J 1Y1
(604) 733-1669


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