Inside Tour of Union Pacific 3000HP Rotary Snow Plow Heaviest Ever Produced

Описание к видео Inside Tour of Union Pacific 3000HP Rotary Snow Plow Heaviest Ever Produced

RamblinAround Store:

This is a complete walk around and inside tour of the awesome 1966 Union Pacific Rotary Snowplow. The #900081 is truly an awesome beast. It's the heaviest of it's kind and it's powered by a massive GM/EMD 16 Cylinder Turbo Diesel that cranks out 3000 horsepower. All the power from it's massive engine goes to power the 12 foot diameter rotary blades. Those blades can spin at a maximum of 150 RPM and they generate a tremendous amount of force. This huge machine was pushed through the snow by as many as 4 locomotives. I'd like to give special thanks to the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis, Missouri, for allowing me the opportunity to film this amazing marvel of engineering. I hope you find it interesting...Thanks for watching!

Background track is Whiskey on the Mississippi by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Download link:

MacLeod's description:

Genre: Blues
Length: 3:15
Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Kit, Organ, EP
Tempo: 90

With a jumping bass and off-beat syncopation, this is straight from Memphis' Beale Street. The Hammond organ and electric guitar play together as longtime friends, while the melody changes hands from guitar to organ to electric piano. 011
ISRC: US-UAN-11-00709
Bouncy, Grooving 2010

Filmed at the Museum of Transportation on Barrett Station Rd in St. Louis, MO

1966 Union Pacific Rotary Snow Plow inside tour 3000 HP horsepower turbo diesel 16 cylinder EMD GM Heaviest Largest Huge Enormous clearing railroad tracks drifts 12 foot blades blowing blower rare stainless steel Train Locomotive rail yard "do not hump" restoration restoring engine turbocharged 900081 Museum of Transportation St Louis Missouri MO Jeff RamblinAround rambling vlog hd partner


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