Twisted Metal PS3 [2012] - Special Weapons

Описание к видео Twisted Metal PS3 [2012] - Special Weapons

Twisted Metal PS3 Special Weapons in training mode. Recorded on original hardware(FAT PS3) with an Elgato HD.

No players, NPCs or soundtrack so you can hear and see the special in its glory. Witness the twisted vehicles in action.


[C]Comboable(can chain the attack to maximize damage)
[SE]Spectre Effect(phases through walls)
[FLY]Special grants ability to fly or projectile primarily uses vertical elevation for attacks.
[HE]Homing Effect(Zones a target vehicle)
[RF]Rear Firable(able to be fired backward - use Down on DPAD)
[HV]High Velocity: fast projectile/special, requiring quick reaction to avoid or pressures opponent.
[TF]Tap Fire rate of fire is determined by frequency of your button inputs.
[MA]Manual Aim. Has to be aimed by player at a vehicle with no aim assistance.
[DoT]Damage Over Time: Does damage over time after the initial hit, chipping health away.
[AoE]Area of Effect(attack hits many targets simultaneously in a spherical/circular radius)
[J]Jumpable(negate all damage and effect from this special by well timed L1+R1 or by stunting)
[CS123]Charge Stages(Hold and Hit Fire Weapon on Red Threshold to Charge Next Stage, numbers denote how many stages)
[B]Bonus(Efficient use with the special will gain maximum damage, pressure and dominion)
[S/F/EMP](Slows Car/Stops Car Movement/Engine Stall's the car[s])
[KB]Knockback(Changes position of target on the Battleground, causing target to become disorientated or fall into OoB)

SWEETTOOTH(Chevrolet Step Van)
0:00 Laughing Ghost(HE, SE, RF)
0:10 Sweet Bot(FLY)
0:13 Laughing Death(R, HV, HE)
0:16 Sweet Slam(AoE, J, altitude increases damage, KB)
0:20 Turbo RAM(KB, HV)

0:22 JUNKYARD DOG(Dodge Power Wagon)
0:22 Taxi Toss(RF, HE, AoE)
0:34 Remote Taxi (AoE, CS2, Heals in Online mode, J, KB)

0:22 JUGGERNAUT(Peterblit 379 with Tracto-Trailer)
0:46 Murderballs [C, RF]
Note: this truck has Specials that are only available on Online.

1:19 DEATH WARRANT(Ford Shelby GT500 2007)
1:20 Chain Gun (HE)
1:38 Chain Gun and Zoomy Missiles [CS2, HE, HV]

2:07 OUTLAW(Ford Explorer)
2:08 Outlaw Sentry Turret(No Grenades. HE)
2:15 Outlaw Grenade Turret(Grenades, TF, HE)
2:32 Outlaw Blood Turret(TF on Alternative, HV, B: Turret Terror over 100dmg, HE)

2:52 ROADBOAT(Chevrolet Biscayne)
2:53 Magnetic Projectiles[HE, HV, B: x2 dmg if you bank shot the target. Magnet deals Two for One damage if flung at other cars!]
3:20 Magnet[CS, AoE, F, B]

3:42 ROADKILL(1969 Chevrolet Camaro)
3:44 Chaingun(CS1, HE)
3:59 Blood Missiles Barrage(CS3, HE, B - Keep the CS3 barrage for 80dmg on your opponent for duration of the Alt Spec)

4:05 KAMIKAZE(Audi R8)
4:09 Flamethrower and Fireball(s)[DoT, HE]
4:33 Shockwave(EMP: 5 seconds, AoE, J)

4:43 MEAT WAGON(Cadillac Ambulance Miller-Meteor Futura)
4:47 Unguided Gurney [RF, HE]
4:51 Guided Gurney(B: hit the front of the opponent with the guided gurney for Patients Rights)

5:26 VERMIN(Ford Econoline)
5:28 Rat Rocket (Unguided)[HV, HE]
5:40 Rat Rocket Guided [B: place crosshair on enemy to deal bonus Rat Attack damage,HE,HV]

6:17 SHADOW(1960 Edsel Villager)
6:19 Death Coffin(damage is relative to distance, 90 dmg to 120 dmg) [AoE, KB, B]
7:12 Death Coffin Alternative[AOE, FLY]

7:28 AXEL(Custom Built Penance Machine)
7:29 Spiked War Wheel(C: Crush!, Crush Combo! War Wheel! 80dmg Axel Power! 100dmg). Lasts 10s [F, S, B is lasting as long as you deal the hit - can bug out]
8:00 Crowd Controller[CS, KB, AoE, J]

8:26 TALON(possibly a Bell 206)
8:28 Gatling Gun[HE]
8:52 Talon Drop Magnet(B: Lift them high and then drop 'em for a Death Drop)

9:19 DARKSIDE(Peterblit 359)
9:23 Slam(Speed & Distance based damage, longer the Special trigger is held down, the longer it travels and damages syngerizes with SixAxis support) [HV, S, B, MA]
9:36 .50Cal Trigun and Semi-Mines [B, C, RF]
10:05 Double Turbo Slam (requires DualShock3 with Sixaxis support) [B on Reaper: Darkside Slam!, HV]

10:06 CRIMSON FURY(Ferrari Enzo)
10:08 Flamethrower and Fireballs [HE, DoT if Fireball connects]
10:29 Nova Shockwave (CS1, AoE, J, DoT, SE)

10:43 REAPER(Harley-Davidson Chopper)
10:45 Chainsaw[HE, HVM, HE]
11:03 Flame Saw[hold down L3 whilst driving with Special icon highlighted:150 full damage HV, MA and 2.25s delay]
11:07 SRPG(AoE, Full Cook 120 damage, MA, HE)

WARTHOG[M1 Abrhams cut and shut with a top half of a Ford Country Squire Station Wagon)
Super Crush (B: Crush! Crush Combo! Super Crush Combo! Warthog Heaven!) [MA, C]
Shockwave/Crowd Controller (30dmg, AoE, J, SE)

[mark: KEEP]
[reason: one of the few non-shitty videos]


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