PredAlien VS Super Predator FIGHT! - WHO WINS?

Описание к видео PredAlien VS Super Predator FIGHT! - WHO WINS?

These two species have both proven themselves against the Classic Predators, but who wins when PICS
a PredAlien and a Super Predator go head to head.
In the Red corner, we have a PredAlien.
The Xenomorph type spawned from a Yautja host.
It stands 9 feet, and takes on many of the Predators physical traits and features, such as dreadlocks, and mandibles.
It also has a lighter skin colouration, and a large headcrest, similar to a Queen.
The PredAlien is equipped with claws, an inner jaw, and a large tail-spike.
They can also bypass the egg and facehugger stages and impregnate female hosts directly with its inner mouth.
The PredAlien was seen in the movie AVP Requiem, where it was born from the Scar Predator. It attacked the Predators on board the scoutship, and it crashed on Earth, in a town called Gunnison in the USA.
It began killing and harvesting the residents, and began making a hive within the town’s hospital.
It battled a Clean-up-crew Predator named Wolf, who’d been sent to destroy it.
Their fight ended in a stalemate moments before they were vapourised in a nuclear explosion from a bomb dropped on the town to cover up the incident by the government.

And in the Blue corner we have a Super Predator.
A subspecies of the Yautja race. They are typically larger, stronger, and more aggressive than their smaller cousins, and have been at conflict with the Classic Predators for centuries.
A Super Predator stands slightly taller than a Classic Predator, and they are slightly stronger on average.
They share most of the external traits, but tend to have more scaly skin, different skin colouring, and longer dreadlocks. The main difference is in the facial structure, which looks drastically different, with more swept-back features, and larger mandibles.
They possess similar technology to the Classics, and similar weapons, such as Wristblades and Plasmacasters. But they have also been seen to utilise drone technology, as well as Hunting dog-like animals known as Hell Hounds.
The Super Predators were first featured in the movie, Predators, where they were shown to kidnap a group of Humans, and drop them onto a hunting reserve planet.
After killing most of them off, the Humans came up with a plan to steal their ship with the help of a Classic Predator they’d seen crucified at their hunter camp.
Two of the Humans gave their lives to hold off two of the three Super Predators, and their leader, named Berserker, killed the Crucified Predator, but was defeated by Royce and Isabelle.

The PredAlien and Super Predator face off against each other, each staring the other down. The Predator lets out a loud roar, and the Aliens mouth cascades with saliva.
The Super Predator fires at the PredAlien, but it dodges and retreats behind cover.
The Yautja looks around for the Xeno, trying to find where it went.
But just then, the PredAlien appears before him, and smacks him with one of his claws, knocking him over.
The Predator gets back up, and aims again at the PredAlien, the reticule locks on, but the caster fails to fire, as it was damaged when he got knocked down.
Both the Super Predator and PredAlien charge, and with the Xeno being bigger, he throws the Yautja onto the floor.
The PredAlien follows with a tail attack, trying to impale the Predator, but he uses his Wristblade to cut it off.
The PredAlien is stunned for a moment, and the Super Predator slams into it, pushing the Hybrid back.
The PredAlien then recovers, and swipes with one of its claws, but the Predator cuts it off with his blade.
The PredAlien is now missing a hand, but quickly uses its other to hit the Yautja, knocking him off his feet onto the ground.
The PredAlien then charges, but the Predator gets back up and fires his Wristblade, which punctures the Xenos chest.
The Super Predator then slams into the PredAlien again and lands a few hits on it too, which knocks it back again.
But the PredAlien quickly recovers again, and grabs the Super Predator buy the throat with its remaining hand, and delivers a headbite, killing him.
The win goes to the PredAlien.



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