Light Codes and Messages from the Pleiades and Beyond

Описание к видео Light Codes and Messages from the Pleiades and Beyond

Many beings on the earth have a connection to the star system of Pleiades in a unique way. This music supports you lovingly in bringing your human experience into this galactic alignment. The inner awakening of love and clarity, opens your human life and consciousness to your Universal Essence.

This music is part of the Gods Among Us project: A documentary film about extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings on Earth.

GODS AMONG US is a documentary film on the extraterrestrial and non-human presence on Earth in both physical and non-physical form as well as inter-dimensionally. We will examine the relationship between these beings and the human species, how we can connect and communicate with them and how the human consciousness may be evolving within a larger galactic citizenship. Leading physicists and other scientists will share their current insights and research on such phenomena as telepathy, teleportation and interstellar travel between the worlds.

This film provides valuable information that will help shift human understanding and perception about our place in the Universe through the testimony of real ET contactees and by answering these questions

“How do we define an ET?”
"How widespread is the ET contact phenomenon?"
“What do scientists really know about telepathy, otherworldly beings and inter-dimensional realities?”


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