The Hidden Story of One Thousand and One Nights in Persian

Описание к видео The Hidden Story of One Thousand and One Nights in Persian

The Hidden Story of One Thousand and One Nights in Persian: Muhammad Baghir Khurasani’s “Tarjumah Hinrīyah” Patronized in Hyderabad

@UBC Asian Studies

This presentation: "The Hidden Story of One Thousand and One Nights in Persian: Muhammad Baghir Khurasani’s “Tarjumah Hinrīyah” Patronized in Hyderabad" was delivered via Zoom on December 18, 2021, featuring guest speaker Mehdi Ganjavi (PhD, Scholar, Writer, Editor, Robarts Library, University of Toronto), and discussants Meisam Alipour (Novelist, MA in Art Studies, Tehran University of Art), and Pegah Shahbaz (PhD, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, CSAS, Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto).

Event details:

In this presentation, Dr. Mehdi Ganjavi will historicize and explore the lesser known Henriyah Translation‌ (tarjumah hinrīyah), the oldest translation of One Thousand and One Nights into Persian. Patronized by Henry Russell, 2nd Baronet (1783–1852), British resident in Hyderabad, Mohammad Baqir Khurasani Bazanjiri (b.1772) finalized his translation in 1814 almost three decades before Abdul Latif Tasuji embarked on a similar project in Iran. Overlooked by historians of literature, Henriyah Translation‌ happens to be not only the earliest Persian translation, but one which is based on a significantly older (arguably authentic) family of Alf Layla Wa-Layla Arabic manuscripts. Through manuscript and archival study, and textual analysis of the two manuscripts available from this translation, this presentation will narrate an interregional story remained hidden for two centuries about Nights in Persian.

About the Alireza Ahmadian Lectures in Iranian and Persianate Studies: Alireza Ahmadian (1981 – 2019) was an enthusiastic researcher, a consummate socio-political analyst, and an opinion leader on foreign policy who nurtured the virtues of diplomatic dialogue and liberal democracy. Alireza was a proud and devoted UBC alumnus, supporter of UBC’s Asian Studies department, and beloved member of Canadian-Iranian Community. UBC’s Asian Studies department renamed this lecture series in his honour in 2019. Alireza’s friends in the community have provided funding to support this series, and this generous gift will see these important academic and community engagement events supported through to the end of the 2025/2026 academic year. To access the full list of events, visit


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