中式和美式taco大PK! 试吃比较中美Taco Bell到底有啥不同!Chinese vs. American Taco Bell:Which is Better?What’s Different?

Описание к видео 中式和美式taco大PK! 试吃比较中美Taco Bell到底有啥不同!Chinese vs. American Taco Bell:Which is Better?What’s Different?

你吃过Taco Bell或者tacos吗? 明明是墨西哥美食,为啥风靡全美?在全球拥有超过7000家门店的Taco Bell在去年卷土重来,这次Taco Bell在中国又有什么新花样?中国和美国的Taco Bell到底有啥区别?我们的梦幻联动美食小分队又来了!让詹姆斯疯狂的小小玉米饼,究竟有多大魅力? 打开视频, 跟着Ashley和Dayday一探究竟!欢迎在下方分享你吃taco和Taco Bell的体验哦!

Have you had tacos or Taco Bell? Why are they so popular across America? With more than 7,000 restaurants in the world, what’s new about Taco Bell’s return to the Chinese market? What is so attractive about this little tortilla that makes LeBron James crazy? Our dream squad gourmet detectives are here to help! Watch the video and find out with Ashley and Day! Share your eating experience of tacos and Taco Bell below!

#taco tuesday# #taco# #美食测评#


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