Create an order form for clients with Google Workspace & Document Studio

Описание к видео Create an order form for clients with Google Workspace & Document Studio

A lot of us have side hustles that could benefit from some automation at no cost. This week I want to show you how to build a customer order form and automate the process of ordering and sending invoices to clients for billing.

Intro: 00:00
Set up order form in Google Forms: 00:33
Create a pre-filled link of Order Form: 02:02
Connect Form to Spreadsheet: 03:01
Add Unit Price & Total amount columns to spreadsheet: 04:39
Add sheet with Price list: 04:54
VLOOKUP to get unit price: 05:46
Compute Total Amount: 06:44
Convert to ARRAYFormula: 07:02
IF function to remove errors & zeros: 09:10
Test the sheet and form: 10:40
Create invoice template: 11:42
Use Document Studio: 18:24
Merge with Invoice Template: 19:27
Email template: 20:35
Merge with Form and send to Drive: 25:10
Finish and Merge: 25:55
Test: 26:25
Outro: 28:14

If you need to learn more about the VLOOKUP and IF functions I used, visit my blog here:

If you want to read more about document studio and the limitations of the free version, go here:

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Who am I?
A health professional turned data scientist who really just loves living my best life and using technology to solve problems. I use a variety of software in my work, so every now and then I like to share what that looks like. On this channel, I will share anything that constitutes work-life balance. Could be an Excel video one week, and a mountain hike the next week. Please stick around if this might interest you; otherwise, I am glad you made it thus far.

#MsExcel #GoogleSheets


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