Lost From Nottingham #9 Basford Flats

Описание к видео Lost From Nottingham #9 Basford Flats

My final offering from 2020. In this video we look at something that is missed by no one, but it should still be considered as something of a landmark in the cities development.
Apologies for the quickness of the slides, I wanted to get a lot into the video (you can always pause it).
As ever, I have researched the best I can given the resources available. If I've missed something or misinterpreted something, I apologise in advance.

Words & Production (and some videos)
Paul Turton

Photos / Videos
From various Facebook groups

Intro/Outro Music
'Passion For Life'' 10 second & full version
Jay Man - OurMusicBox
   / ourmusicbox  

Background Music
"Thunder Dreams" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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