Why Singapore is Called 'A City in a Garden'

Описание к видео Why Singapore is Called 'A City in a Garden'

We travelled to Singapore as soon as restrictions were eased. People still wore masks while we were there and they had tokens - vaccinations pass for entry to establishments.
But the lure of the City in a garden - as Singapore aims to be- is irresistible. It's green spaces are world renowned. You'll never be far from an oasis filled with tropical plants.
It is the only city where your experience starts at the airport. Take Changi T1. It is a full on shopping complex, an amazing world where nature meets retail therapy.
Come with me as I visit some of the most amazing greenhouses of Singapore like The Cloud Forest , The Flower Dome and the spectacular Supertree Grove.
Wait till the end of the video for the Supertree light show. Have fun!!
#singapore #gardensbythebay #whereisbingle #singaporetravel


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