Vinson Centre Annual Conference, 2024: Hayek on regulation. By Cento Veljanovski

Описание к видео Vinson Centre Annual Conference, 2024: Hayek on regulation. By Cento Veljanovski

Hayek on regulation. By Cento Veljanovski (Institute of Economic Affairs).
Vinson Centre Annual Conference, 2024: Session 1 on Paternalism and the regulatory state.

Dr Cento Veljanovski is Managing Partner and founder of Case Associates.

Cento Veljanovski is Fellow in Law & Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), and Senior Fellow at the GW Competition & Innovation Lab, George Washington University. Cento has degrees in law and economics and over forty years' experience as an academic, consultant on competition and regulatory economics and as an expert witness in competition litigation. He has held academic appointments in economics and law faculties in the UK, Australia and North America including at Monash University, York University, University of Toronto, University College London and adjunct/visiting positions including at the universities of New York, Miami, Buckingham; the Australian Law Reform Commission, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Centre for Policy Studies. He was the first economist appointed to a UK law school at University College London. Cento was Editorial and Research Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs following Arthur Seldon’s retirement. Cento has published extensively including most recently ‘Cartel Damages: Principles, Measurement, and Economics’ (Oxford University Press, 2020), ‘Hayek on Antitrust’ (IEA, 2023) and in leading academic journals such as the Economic Journal, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, The Antitrust Bulletin, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies and Singapore Economics Review.


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