Know the Unknowns: Exploring Breaches with Corey Ham and Flare

Описание к видео Know the Unknowns: Exploring Breaches with Corey Ham and Flare

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Join us for a free one-hour Black Hills Information Security (BHIS) webcast with Corey Ham - ANTISOC Lead, and Flare, as they combine forces to talk about the modern era of breaches. 

More than ever, threat actors are exploiting third party service providers to access sensitive corporate data. 

This results in the unknowns:
What credentials or data might already be exposed?
How can we stop existing data from being abused by threat actors?
How can we prevent this in the first place?

Once the unknown becomes known then you'll know what you once did not know. 

Chat with your fellow attendees in the Black Hills Infosec Discord server:
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in the #🔴webcast-live-chat channel.

#webcast #livestream #Infosec #breaches #cybersecurity #blueteam


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