iBeacons Explained: 10 Things About iBeacons You Need to Know | Pulsate Academy

Описание к видео iBeacons Explained: 10 Things About iBeacons You Need to Know | Pulsate Academy

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Today's episode looks at Beacons and we cover the top ten things to put Beacons to work.

1:19 1.What is Beacon versus an iBeacon?

An iBeacon has one simple purpose in life, and that is to send out a signal and say I am here. It's completely unaware of any mobile devices that are around it.

2:42 2. Are iBeacons' platform dependent?

Apple did come out originally with the iBeacon protocol however a beacon is the physical device with the antenna and the Bluetooth low energy stack that can send out packets and is not just an Apple product.

3:37 3. Are iBeacons connected to the Internet?

iBeacons are like a lighthouse. They send out a signal and are unaware of themselves and any other devices that are around them.

4:41 4. Do iBeacons Steal your data?

An iBeacon is not capable of seeing any other devices around itself. They can't see devices, therefore they don't connect to them. They don't steal any data off the device.

5:45 5. Can iBeacons can determine distance?

iBeacons can use received signal strength which is the line of sight from the device's Bluetooth antenna to the beacon. We recommend multiple iBeacons and adjusting your antenna power to suit the use case.

7:27 6. What are the best type of iBeacons?

Different iBeacons that you can use for various types of deployments. There are few things that you're going to need to consider and we analyse the advantages and disadvantages of them.

13:44 7. How can iBeacons help you understand your customers better?

iBeacons can really help you with customer insights, helping you to understand how long customers typically spend in your store, how often they dwell beside particular products etc.

14:40 8. How can iBeacons help marketing automation?

You can use iBeacons at the right time and place to give users that virtual tap on the shoulder and say Can we take your order. Would you like some help?

15:40 9. Can iBeacons deliver opportunities to cross sell and upsell products or services?

We've discussed a lot about proximity and learning about customers. When you take in this data, you can segment it so that you're offering customers coupons or information on products that they are not only proximal to, but things that they're actually interested in.

16:50 10. Where can I get iBeacons?.

iBeacons are very affordable. They're practical. They're easy to install. It's not science fiction. These things can be put to work today in your company.

We'd love to hear what your thoughts on iBeacons are. Do you use them and how do you find them compared to others? Let us know in the comments section below.

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