【证据法】什么是传闻证据? What is hearsay?

Описание к видео 【证据法】什么是传闻证据? What is hearsay?

out-of-court statement
asserted in court
to prove the truth of the matter asserted

基于fairness和reliability原则,传闻证据一般不准入。Ask generally: When is evidence solid enough to bring in front of the jury? 如果一项证据不够可靠,我们不希望它被呈递到jury面前。

4 testimonial capacities = perception, memory, narrative, & sincerity. 这四个量有可能导致一个证词跑偏。庭审上,(1)宣誓等严肃程序模式可以一定程度上提升这四个量的准确性,(2)jury基于观察witness的语气态度行为举止可以有自己的判断决定是否相信,(3)witness需要接受cross-examination也可以让四个量值得到检验 (oath + demeanor assessment + cross-examination)。

如果hearsay证据准入,那么jury需要rely on all 4 of the W's capacities + all 4 of the non-present
W's capacities,但是对于不出庭的non-present W,jury没有机会通过上面3种方式来检验其证词的可靠性。

对于hearsay定义的三个要件,如果有一项或几项不满足,这件证据就不是传闻证据。比如non-assertive conduct不是statement,第一项则不满足;比如prove sth other than the truth of the matter asserted,第三项则不满足。非传闻证据称之为non-hearsay,non-hearsay evidence is admissible。

有些证词虽然构成hearsay(3项都满足),但是它reliable,比如excited utterance,也可以准入,传闻证据可以准入的例外称为hearsay exception。

定义里statement的考点,一般在于模式:oral statement; assertive conduct statement; written statement都算,但是non-assertive conduct 不算。

00:01 basic example of hearsay evidence
01:50 4 testimonial capacities & ways to test the 4 capacities
04:36 hearsay definition
05:46 how "statement" is tested on the exam
08:26 non-hearsay v. hearsay exception brief intro


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