Best Fish Food? Quality Brands? Aquarium Fish Tanks

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The best Aquarium fish food is opinion based. I truly do love omega one brand though. It’s fair priced and the fish absolutely love it.

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Looking into updating my filter from one that hangs on the back of the tank to a canister... I dont even know where to start or what to look for, I just know that what I have now isnt working for me. I currently have a 56 gallon tank with a 100 gallon filter that hangs on the back of the tank.

How many fish do you have? I have a 75 gallon with 2 commons and an aquaclear 70 and it works fine for me. What about it isn't working?

The Basics on Aquarium Fish Food
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As of right now... none. My two older goldfish have been very sick for several months and the vet suggested today that it might be time to let them go. I have them in a separate hospital tank and have a "hospice" care plan enacted for them... please no comments on this, I am completely heartbroken but we have literally tried everything and there is nothing left to do... only daily water changes and maintenance, until they either go or start to get better...

I am wanting to set up my 56 gallon as a planted tank. At this point I dont know if my heart can take caring for goldfish and i might need to move onto another type of fish. Not goldfish related but I was on vacation for just over 2 weeks and in both my beta tanks tanks (10 gallons) the water has evaporated about 40%. I normally do a 40-50% water change, but is it okay to just top off the water? Or should I take out more of the water that’s left and refill?

That is terrifying I am so sorry, I recognize the flicking but nothing else, when I moved house the chlorine content from tap was double from my old house and my fish would flick now I have to double the water conditioner. Other symptoms look odd. I would slowly add tank water to the bowl. Maybe half a cup every 5 mins of so. Acclimate her. And then put her back in. See how she goes.

Yes would have gone in to shock. It’s happened to me before. Just check all water parameters. Sometimes a small water change won’t work on water high on nitrites. Test your tap water pH. I'm on a well and the tap water is 6.6 pH. I do small (25- 30%) frequent water changes and add a dash of baking soda to bring pH to 7.6. In my 75 gallon tank I add 1/4 teaspoon baking soda for a 20-25 gallon water change. My LFS guy said that's the same ingredient as the commercial products.

Definitely SHOCK, from either PH or temperature, both have to be near exactly the same. Shock can kill fish within minutes. One of baby Ranchus is having buoyancy issues. When we got him in the mail 1 1/2 weeks ago he was like this. He just can’t keep his rump down. We have him in shallow water but no changes. Is his swim bladder to far gone?

What are the best live plants for goldfish? I have java fern, anubias, lucky bamboo and moss balls. Is there anything else I can add that they won’t eat?

I was curious about the Amazon Sword, but the pet store associate told me they’d eat it, I may still try it and see how it goes.

My Java Fern has been untouched by my Goldie’s since September. They recommended that plant because it apparently tastes bitter and the goldfish don’t like it! The large Anubias have thick leaves and they’ve been holding up over the past few days. Hopefully it will stay that way. I love how they look in my tanks!

Moss balls are a hit or a miss with mine. They either eat it or leave it alone lol some are untouched while others were eaten lol


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