“Love Is Here to Stay"(1938) played by a trumpet made 1923/ 100年前のトランペットで「ラブ・イズ・ヒア・トゥ・ステイ」を吹いてみた

Описание к видео “Love Is Here to Stay"(1938) played by a trumpet made 1923/ 100年前のトランペットで「ラブ・イズ・ヒア・トゥ・ステイ」を吹いてみた

"Love Is Here to Stay"

music by George Gershwin
words by Ira Gershwin
published in 1938

This song was written for the movie "The Goldwyn Follies" by the brothers George and Ira Gershwin. It became famous later, when it was used in the 1951 movie "An American in Paris." It also became famous as a jazz standard. It has been used in several movies since then.

映画「華麗なるミュージカル」(The Goldwyn Follies)のために書かれた曲で、ジョージ&アイラのガーシュウィン兄弟による作品。有名になったのはその後で、1951年公開の映画「パリのアメリカ人」で使用された頃から。ジャズのスタンダードナンバーとしても有名になりました。その後も複数の映画で使用されています。

演奏しているトランペットは、アメリカ・H.N.White社による、Master model “Vocal” というモデルで、ちょうど100年ほど前の楽器。シリアルによると1923年頃の製造です。



The trumpet I’m playing is called “Master model Vocal" by H.N. White in the United States, and it is an instrument that is about 100 years old. According to the serial number, it was manufactured around 1923. The tuning slide has a rotary bulb so that you can switch between B♭ and C. I'm raising one note in the middle of the song, but I'm using this rotary bulb to blow it with the same fingering (some fingers changed because the pitch is bad). It is a distinctive instrument found in this era.

This instrument came to me by chance. I think I've probably overcome a lot of things in the past 100 years to get here. And now, I have the opportunity to play this fortunately.
Musical instruments have a limited lifespan, but if you take good care of them, they will still be alive even after 100 years.
No matter how hard things get in the future, I'm sure we'll be able to overcome them If we connect our feelings of valuing what we love. I tried to play this with such thoughts.

May the world fill with peace, quiet and love.
Que le monde soit rempli de paix, de tranquillité et d'amour.
Möge sich die Welt mit Frieden, Ruhe und Liebe füllen.
Пусть мир наполнится миром, тишиной и любовью.
Que el mundo se llene de paz, tranquilidad y amor.
‎أتمنى أن يملأ العالم بالسلام والهدوء والحب.
세계가 평화와 평온, 사랑으로 채워지길.

Semoga dunia dipenuhi dengan kedamaian, kedamaian dan cinta.
ขอให้โลกเต็มไปด้วยความสงบ ความสงบ และความรัก
Cầu mong thế giới tràn ngập hòa bình, hòa bình và tình yêu.
Fie ca lumea să fie plină de pace, liniște și iubire.
Нехай світ наповниться миром, спокоєм і любов'ю.
विश्व शांति, शांति और प्रेम से परिपूर्ण हो।.


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