WHILE WE WATCHED | Directed by Vinay Shukla

Описание к видео WHILE WE WATCHED | Directed by Vinay Shukla

#Whilewewatched #VinayShukla #Friendsworldtv
Directed by Vinay Shukla

Indian TV journalist Ravish Kumar fights to keep independent reporting alive in the age of misinformation. A prize winner at Toronto and Busan – essential viewing for media watchers everywhere.

Kumar, a veteran with India’s NDTV, is committed to accountability and the facts. He asks the most difficult questions of those in power and, in an age of fake news, clashes with India’s political power-mongers and populist movement. Facing threats and advertising boycotts, with loyal staff resigning, his network is in deep financial trouble. Despite the grim news, Kumar remains optimistic, inspiring a new generation of reporters. Director Vinay Shukla (An Insignificant Man, SFF 2017) follows Kumar’s increasingly desperate situation, offering perseverance and hope, and mirroring the issues facing independent journalism worldwide.

SOURCE: https://www.sff.org.au/program/browse...


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