Pokémon Battle Revolution - Dec 6 09 C

Описание к видео Pokémon Battle Revolution - Dec 6 09 C

Well, I decided to see what I could do with the Holly Pass once again. Plusle and Minun are the signature Pokémon on this pass, though I never really used them in conjunction much as of late...I technically didn't need to do that with this battle, but I like having two of them together. People like to think that Plusle and Minun are some kind of joke. The anime certainly doesn't help dispel this reputation, and when Plusle and Minun show up in a video game as anything other than a wild Pokémon for capture, they're just hanging about. (It looks really funny in Pokémon XD, the way they sway from side to side.)

I used Masquerain, Lucario, Minun, and Plusle. My opponent used Metagross, Gengar, Charizard, and Raichu.


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