(13 Apr 1942)

A merchant seaman, T L Horabin, Michael Foot, C E M Joad, Dr. Edith Summerskill address the meeting. Aneurin Bevin (Nye Bevin) also present but does not speak. LS of a speaker's platform - people are seated both in front and behind the speaker. Supression of the Daily Worker newspaper is discussed. T L Horabin (?) claims that the Communist Party is fully behind the war effort. He speaks of Herbert Morrison's ban on the Daily Worker. He speaks of the Daily Mirror and the frustrations of the ordinary soldier. He speaks of Morrison's warning to the Daily Mirror. Michael Foot comes up to the platform to speak - LS of Foot at podium. Closer view as he begins his speech - he gets lots of laughs from the audience. MS of Foot as he speaks. He speaks of "the right to print" and the freedom of the press. He mentions Lord Beaverbrook, Lord Southwood and Lord Rothermere. CU of him speaking about the "squashing" of newspapers. He speaks of a contentious newspaper cartoon. Foot makes some jokes at the expense of Herbert Morrison and the Daily Telegraph. He speaks of the liberty of the press being maintained. He speaks of the "German Way" and the "British Way". LS of the podium. speaker steps up and receives large round of applause. This is the merchant seaman. He calls for equal wages to be paid to tradesmen, whatever their nationality. MS of the seaman continuing with his speech. He speaks of the "fruits of this world" and suggests that they are God's fruits and should be used by the people of allnations without hindrence from any "big vested interests". Professor Joad gets up to speak. He speaks of "that man Morrison". He speaks of being angry with Morrison for making him come out of his "retirement" at the BBC. He speaks of the General Strike of 1926 and the TUC. Joad's comments provoke some laughter from the audience. Closer view of Joad as he speaks. When he mentions Lord Simon (?) there is a reaction from audience. He then speaks of Morrison, the symptoms of dictatorship, censorship, supression of the Daily Mirror, the taking away of liberties, Mussolini, Hitler and Morrison. The end of his speech received a large round of applause. Dr Edith Summerskill steps up to speak. She speaks of critics being in the small minority, the herd instinct, the suppression of the Daily Mirror and the Daily Worker, supression of the individual and restraint of civil liberties.

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