Ships in the Night | Henry & Danielle

Описание к видео Ships in the Night | Henry & Danielle

Watch in 720p to see the pretty!
song but I HAD to use it. I'm so glad I found a version of Ever After on bluray so I can FINALLY vid it! Ahhhhh! I love this song and I just LOVE this movie so freaking much. Such a quality 90's film. One of the BEST in my opinion. It has so many great lines!

"You are just like them!"
"A Belgian!?"
"I'd rather die a thousand deaths than see MY mother's dress on that spoiled selfish cow!!"
To name a few! haha
Not to mention it has the one and only..... DOUGRAY.
If that's not reason enough to see it I don't know what is!
He's so awesome and he has some prime facial expressions in this movie. Not to mention his perfect princely hair.
So seriously go see it if you haven't you won't regret it!
This movie def needs more love in the vidding world so expect more vids from me! :)
Dedicated to my super awesome amazing sister Anna who loves this movie just as much as I do and the only person I know who jokes about the awesomeness that is DOUGRAY. :)

Hope you enjoyed the vid! Remember to comment/subscribe! :D


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