Come Home Child - Meg Blanckenberg (Original song)

Описание к видео Come Home Child - Meg Blanckenberg (Original song)

I was blessed with a piano. It is over 100 years old and not in the best condition, but I am incredibly grateful for a real piano.
Besides the off tune notes, it plays a poetic part.

I wrote this song early in 2021 after meeting a man who was on the road to knowing Jesus. I fell inlove with him and desperately wanted to see him changed by the love of God. He started pursuing me, and God gave me this song as a response.

This song was not only a message for the man, but for me. God was reminding me that I am not a saviour, that it is no longer I who live but Christ through me, and that He loves me too.

I made many mistakes, so so many. Oh boy...
Reflecting on that moment when I sat and wrote this song, I now see how God knew what would happen and gave me keys of wisdom for the next 3 years. Unfortunately, it so often happens that hindsight is how we see these keys of wisdom.

Oh Jesus, won't you help me to listen to You more? To understand You better?

I thank God for His faithfulness.
I praise God for His kindness.
I weep knowing of His love for me.
Tears of relief.


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