Garden Pond Fish UK - best pond fish for your ponds, carp

Описание к видео Garden Pond Fish UK - best pond fish for your ponds, carp

Any Pond Limited - Specialists in Residential Pond Construction, Maintenance & Repair in the Midlands, UK

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11 St Anne's Close
Daventry, Northamptonshire
NN11 4TW Great Britain


Hi, my name's Mark from, your trusted resource for ponds and water features. We're based in the Midlands, UK, and today I want to talk to you about the topic of pond fish. I'm going to give you a quick video, about two minutes long, and we're going to go over the different types of fish you can keep in your garden.

Most people start off with an aquarium indoors because it's very inexpensive, or even a goldfish that you've had in a bowl in the kitchen or what have you. They can outgrow an aquarium very, very quickly. Then you need to think about having a pond outside in the garden.

You can keep a number of different goldfish in a garden pond. There's yellow goldfish, brown goldfish, multicolored goldfish. The next sort of subspecies of goldfish is ... You've got Shubunkins, where you can have vivid blues and whites and browns and blacks, and real multicolored Shubunkins.

Shubunkins, for me, are probably one of my favorite pond fish because they don't grow massive so you don't need a massive pond with carp ... We'll come on to carp in a second, but the Shubunkins are fantastic. A lot of people regard them as poor man's koi, but I don't. I think it's a case of, they're great, they're compact things. There's also golden orfe, blue orfe. There's a whole variety of different pond fish out there.

Now let's talk about koi carp. You can have koi carp-dedicated koi pools. You can have koi ponds that have got plants in there. You can keep koi carp and plants together, believe it or not. It goes against the grain, but you can keep them as a little bit of design in the pond, but you can keep koi carp with plants.

There's also another fish that's sold for garden ponds, and that's tench. You can have gold tench or green tench. They do grow to about two foot long, so you can't put them in a small pond, but certainly it's a case if you can still keep a whole variety of fish in a garden pond.

We've not talked about sturgeon. We've not talked about catfish. There's even a small fish that's got loads of stories and I loved it as a kid, and they're weather loach. They only grow sort of like six inches long. They're not fantastic because they're brown, but it's a real scavenger. In a fresh water rock pool that I love to build, weather loach are fantastic because they can scavenge and they can clean between the rocks and bits and pieces.

There's a quick video of pond fish. My name's Mark from, your trusted resource for ponds and water features. We're based in the Midlands, UK, and I'll speak to you soon. Thanks for watching.


Any Pond Limited - Specialists in Residential Pond Construction, Maintenance & Repair in the Midlands, UK

Call Today: 01327 878149

The Studio
11 St Anne's Close
Daventry, Northamptonshire
NN11 4TW Great Britain

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