President Kim Il Sung's last Instructions

Описание к видео President Kim Il Sung's last Instructions

English Narration
Last part of the documentary: "The Year 1994 of The Great Career"

The Last Speech that the Great Father of the Socialist Homeland Made before Passing away. He will be forever with us. No leader in the history of mankind has ever been so devoted to the people, than he:
"The Activists must regard the people as the teachers and learn from the people, Which I always tell you. In this world, nothing is more powerful and wiser than people. If you learn from the people and lead them rightly, you can tide over any hardships. If you trust and rely on the people, you will win at any case, but you will be always defeated if you don't trust the people and they abondon you. Never forget this rule if you are a reformer or a revolutionarist.
It is not enough to even if you remember the rule. You must serve the people and dedicate yourself to their happiness. For those who want to change the world, it is the most honorable and valuable task to be completely dedicated to the people. It is the supreme happiness and glory. I have believed the people, been fighting for them, and living among them. Serve the fatherland and the people. Tide over the hardships with the people. That has been my life. I will always work and live with the people as I do now. Serve the people among them. THis is the essence of Juche Idea. The realization of Juche Idea is the deep entrance among the people. The deep entrance among the people is the realization of Juche Idea. You must aggressively fight so as to protect and realize the benefit of the people and become on family with them, sharing the happiness and hardships. We must highly put up the banner of Juche, realize the complete victory of socialism and reunification of Korea, and change everything perfectly on principle of Juche Idea, which is the directive idea of the performance of socialism and is what we must keep and be proud of, with our descendant."

The first song is "Our Leader" (우리 수령님):
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