How can we build an internet where privacy is the default? Proton's CEO Andy Yen shares his thoughts

Описание к видео How can we build an internet where privacy is the default? Proton's CEO Andy Yen shares his thoughts

Today's internet is fueled by surveillance capitalism, where a small number of big tech players with tremendous reach and influence over our daily lives profit from the enormous amounts of data they collect about us. However, we've seen that when provided with a choice, it's human nature to choose more privacy. What do we need to do to build a more private internet?

Proton's founder and CEO, Andy Yen, shares his thoughts during his keynote at Web Summit 2021. A few of his key takeaways on how we can build a more private internet:
- The internet's business model must align with the best interests of its customers
- We cannot let big tech redefine what privacy means
- We need more regulation, competition and a level playing field

Watch Andy's keynote to learn more.


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